


When Aurora Aguilar, a Hispanic mother originally from the City of Chicago, noticed an increase in gang activity in her Hammond neighborhood, she decided to enact change, but she couldn’t do it alone. She met with City of Hammond Planning & Development staff manager, Joseph Alamillo, to discuss a conflict resolution program for youth that would be incorporated into their education. 

Alamillo pitched Aguilar’s idea to Pete Torres, who doubled as a City of Hammond police officer and the only city council member of Hispanic origin (at the time), and Joe Rodriguez, a local community activist. From there, the initiative blossomed into actionable priorities through meetings with other community stakeholders. 

A nonprofit organization was formed to combat local issues, such as the violence permeating adolescents, throughout various neighborhoods in the community. With assistance from city and school administrators, the Hammond Hispanic Community Committee (HHCC) of Northern Indiana hosted its first educational program, a youth fair, to help local children learn how to address real life scenarios through reenactments. 

Throughout the years, the organization has evolved to offer an annual Latino Resource Fair, various scholarship opportunities and workforce development connections for local residents.


March 10, 1993

The Hammond Hispanic Community Committee (HHCC) of Northern Indiana was formed at a meeting located at the Hammond Area Career Center in Northwest Indiana.

501(c)(3) Established

HHCC of Northern Indiana evolved into an official 501(c)(3) non-profit organization partnered with local businesses, educational institutions and social services.

First Latino Resource Fair

HHCC hosts its first Latino Resource Fair. On average, over 50 vendors from various social service agencies, educational institutions, and health organizations serve more than 400 community attendees, annually, at this event.

Community Relations Award

HHCC awarded the Community Relations Award by the Urban League of Northwest Indiana for Citizenship and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes held at Greater Hammond Community Services, Inc. by the Adult Education Program from the School City of Hammond. 

First Scholarships Awarded

HHCC awards the very first Hispanic Minority Scholarships through their nonprofit organization to deserving high school graduates from the City of Hammond.

Upcoming Events

Latest News

NiSource Application Approved and Awarded

On Wednesday, November 6, 2024, the Hammond Hispanic Community Committee was pleased to be informed that that their grant application 1373413 for the NiSource Indiana NiSource Grant Program program was approved and awarded for $2,500. 

HHCC receives donation from Horseshoe Hammond Casino

On October 23, 2024, board members from the Hammond Hispanic Community Committee of Northern Indiana (HHCC) joined management and staff of Horseshoe Hammond Casino to receive a donation of $7,448.

HHCC in Pictures

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2024 Latino Resource Fair

2024 Scholarship Dinner

2022 Latino Resource Fair